

About adminCREDO

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So far adminCREDO has created 302 blog entries.

Avicca Spring TRIP

2023-06-12T13:41:36+02:0016 May 2023|Press|

CREDO Circle took part in the Avicca Spring TRIP on May 16 and 17, 2023 at Espace Charenton in Paris. The Spring TRIP opened with the traditional restitution of the 2023 THD Observatory, a valuable X-ray to measure the progress of the digital transition of the territories, in [...]

XGS-PON Whitepaper

2022-12-07T09:33:32+01:0004 May 2023|News, Publications|

Meeting the challenge of moving to the next generation of PON networks Evolutions, extensions, diversions are an integral part of the life of the network. Technological evolutions, which allow the increase of flows are also to be taken into consideration in the reflections of the life of the network, its [...]

Quantity and quality: the two challenges of RIP #EGRIP

2023-02-27T11:42:11+01:0027 February 2023|News|

Since 2011, the States General of the RIPs have been the back-to-school event for the Very High Speed ​​​​tribe. From a tool intended for leisure and city enthusiasts, the THD has become an essential tool for everyday life, in the city and in the countryside, for communicating and for telecommuting, in particular. With the success of the France Very High Speed ​​Plan, France has taken the lead in full coverage of its territory.

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